It’s no doubt that post-production has been widely debated since the origin of photo editing programs. The ability to alter or completely transform the look and feel of an image can be judged as both a technical ability or a faux pas depending on how you view the act. Some believe the photo is meant to represent the reality of the moment while others work on each image as a work of art.
1990 was the year Photoshop was first released to the public and nothing has been the same ever since, quite literally. Swapping skies, retouching, removing objects, you name it Photoshop has an action for it. While some may use Photoshop and Lightroom to paint a perfect picture of a scene, others simply use the software to fine-tune their images and get to an elevated version of their image.
We believe that editing is the finishing touch for a photographer. While 90% of photography is how you shoot it in camera, that last 10% can drastically change the way you see and understand an image. For this week’s community feature, we asked photographers to show us with their imagery why they believe editing holds so much artistic integrity. You’ll see the before image and then the post-produced image right below it so you can see the massive difference for yourself.
Lubomir Jiponov – Website | Instagram

Mauricio Ureña – Website | Instagram

Darien Chui – Website | Instagram

Pye Jirsa – Website | Instagram

Jessie VanDreew Jackson – Website | Instagram

Prasheila Lookhar – Website | Instagram

Adrian Ong – Website | Instagram

Mauricio Ureña – Website | Instagram

Jason Vinson – Website | Instagram

Wes Shinn – Website | Instagram

Party of Two Photography – Website | Instagram

Darien Chui – Website | Instagram

Barbara Cardinali MacFerrin – Website | Instagram

Udit Khanna – Website | Instagram

Sean Thurston – Website | Instagram

Nicole Engstrom – Website | Instagram

Darien Chui – Website | Instagram

To get your images featured in our next article make sure you join our free Facebook community where we host live interviews, seminars, and allow photographers a safe arena to grow and share their work.
These are great examples on how I can elevate my photography. I appreciate the original image and the edited images. Thanks for showing me another way of editing my images.